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All main topics / Informatics / Word Processing / WP Formatting (Google Docs)
What does BLOCK indent mean?
BLOCK indent means that both the left and right sides of the paragraph are indented.

Tags: word processing
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Loria24 (30.10.2024)
Actually, a block indent typically means that only the left side of the paragraph is indented, while the right side remains aligned with the rest of the text. This is commonly used to set off quotations or special sections within a document.
EthanFinn (18.09.2024)
In programming, the practice of indenting multiple lines of code within a block, such as loops, conditional statements, or function definitions, is known as "BLOCK indent". This visual distinction helps to clearly identify the contents of the block.
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lyly (19.04.2024)
In programming, "BLOCK indent" typically refers to the practice of indenting multiple lines of code within a block, such as within loops, conditional statements, or function definitions, to visually distinguish the block's contents. This indentation helps improve code readability and maintainability by clearly showing the structure of the code.
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bettycooper (05.11.2022)
The explanation with pictures was very clear, and I understood.
Flashcard info:
Author: pdonaghy
Main topic: Informatics
Topic: Word Processing
School / Univ.: ICFE
City: Dublin
Published: 29.09.2009




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