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Isadora observes that when her brother Mikey crosses the street without looking he is punished by their parents. Based on this, she is careful to look before she crosses the street. Isadora has learned through what principle?
A) classical conditioning
B) operant conditioning
C) shaping
D) extinction
E) social learning theory
A) classical conditioning
B) operant conditioning
C) shaping
D) extinction
E) social learning theory
She learns by observing others people behavior and the linkes consequnces = social learning theory -> learning through observation and direct experiances
She learns by observing others people behavior and the linkes consequnces = social learning theory -> learning through observation and direct experiances
Autor: Elisa
Oberthema: Business Economics
Schule / Uni: Hanze Hogeschool
Ort: Groningen
Veröffentlicht: 14.02.2010