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Alle Oberthemen / Teaching / Reading / Reading
Extensive reading and attitude
- through reading about L2 language, people, culture the students
   attitude toward L2 might improve
- motivation as students are allowed to choose material according to
  their own interests
- it's the ongoing experiences of extensive L2 reading that have the
  most potential to establish positive attitudes towards L2 reading
- extensive reading gives students some kind of freedom + herewith
   responsibility for their own learning : AUTONOMY IN LEARNING
- decide WHAT to read
- WHEN to read
- WHERE to read
- HOW to read
- to stop reading if the material doesn’t suit interests of the students

Neuer Kommentar
Autor: isipixi
Oberthema: Teaching
Thema: Reading
Veröffentlicht: 18.05.2010




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