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WORLDSCALE is a schedule of nominal freight rates intended to be used as a standard of reference to compare rates for all voyages and market levels. The oil maritime transportation industry uses the WORLDSCALE rates to express the market level in terms of percentage of the WORLDSCALE nominal freight rate. As an example WORLDSCALE 100 (or WORLDSCALE FLAT as some times is referred) means the rate as calculated and published by the WORLDSCALE Associations. WORLDSCALE 175, or WS 175 as most often is used, means 175 per cent of the published rate, and WS 75 means 75 percent of that rate.
WORLDSCALE is a schedule of nominal freight rates intended to be used as a standard of reference to compare rates for all voyages and market levels. The oil maritime transportation industry uses the WORLDSCALE rates to express the market level in terms of percentage of the WORLDSCALE nominal freight rate. As an example WORLDSCALE 100 (or WORLDSCALE FLAT as some times is referred) means the rate as calculated and published by the WORLDSCALE Associations. WORLDSCALE 175, or WS 175 as most often is used, means 175 per cent of the published rate, and WS 75 means 75 percent of that rate.
Quelle: http://www.rigos.com/ws.html
Quelle: http://www.rigos.com/ws.html
Autor: andersson.j
Oberthema: Naval Architecture
Schule / Uni: Chalmers
Ort: Gothenburg
Veröffentlicht: 15.10.2009