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I was impressed: /ɪmˈprest/ you have a high opinion of it
1. admiring someone or something very much, especially because of an unusually good achievement, quality, or skill
Dan looked impressed but slightly confused.
impressed by/with:
I was very impressed by the efficiency of the staff.
suitably impressed (=as impressed as you should be):
She looked suitably impressed when I told her about my new job.
it schocke me that the three of them died. it implies negative
very surprised and upset by something bad that happens unexpectedly
We were deeply shocked to hear of his sudden death.
They listened in shocked silence.
3.to strike, struck, stricken
it struck me that he didn´t want to talk to me again. Neutral
to strike: hacer mella en, impactar, llegar a; Sinónimos: affect, influence, affect strongly, have an effect on, impress, make an impression on; Have an emotional or cognitive impact upon.
This child impressed me as unusually mature.
This behavior struck me as odd.
1. (afflicted) ~ WITH sth: a country ~ with famine un país asolado por el hambre;
I was suddenly ~ with remorse de pronto me empezó a remorder la conciencia
2. ‹vessel› siniestrado (frml), dañado;
‹area› damnificado, afectado
a drought-stricken area
1. admiring someone or something very much, especially because of an unusually good achievement, quality, or skill
Dan looked impressed but slightly confused.
impressed by/with:
I was very impressed by the efficiency of the staff.
suitably impressed (=as impressed as you should be):
She looked suitably impressed when I told her about my new job.
it schocke me that the three of them died. it implies negative
very surprised and upset by something bad that happens unexpectedly
We were deeply shocked to hear of his sudden death.
They listened in shocked silence.
3.to strike, struck, stricken
it struck me that he didn´t want to talk to me again. Neutral
to strike: hacer mella en, impactar, llegar a; Sinónimos: affect, influence, affect strongly, have an effect on, impress, make an impression on; Have an emotional or cognitive impact upon.
This child impressed me as unusually mature.
This behavior struck me as odd.
1. (afflicted) ~ WITH sth: a country ~ with famine un país asolado por el hambre;
I was suddenly ~ with remorse de pronto me empezó a remorder la conciencia
2. ‹vessel› siniestrado (frml), dañado;
‹area› damnificado, afectado
a drought-stricken area

Autor: sarapalacio
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: Privat
Ort: pamplona
Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2010