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Metabolic effects of the second messenger calcium
Postsynaptic effects: activates enzyme calcium-calmodulin kinase II (CaM-kinase II) Phosphorylates itself -> Remains activated. Induces more non-NMDA receptors in post-synaptic membrane (increase in epsp).
Presynaptic: captivates enzyme which produces nitric oxide (gas), which reaches presynaptic nerve terminal (retrograde messenger). Enhances neurotransmitter release.
Presynaptic: captivates enzyme which produces nitric oxide (gas), which reaches presynaptic nerve terminal (retrograde messenger). Enhances neurotransmitter release.

Autor: szara
Oberthema: Biology
Thema: Neurobiology
Schule / Uni: Universität Osnabrück
Ort: Osnabrück
Veröffentlicht: 03.05.2010