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15.Clearing houses are
A.Never used in futures markets and sometimes used in OTC markets
B.Used in OTC markets, but not in futures markets
C.Always used in futures markets and sometimes used in OTC markets
D.Always used in both futures markets and OTC markets
A.Never used in futures markets and sometimes used in OTC markets
B.Used in OTC markets, but not in futures markets
C.Always used in futures markets and sometimes used in OTC markets
D.Always used in both futures markets and OTC markets
Answer: C
Clearing houses are always used by exchanges trading futures. Increasingly, OTC products are cleared through CCPs, which are a type of clearing house.
Clearing houses are always used by exchanges trading futures. Increasingly, OTC products are cleared through CCPs, which are a type of clearing house.

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Finance & Investment
Thema: Derivatives
Veröffentlicht: 27.10.2015