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Alle Oberthemen / Law / Criminal Law / 4th Amendment Cases
no reasonable expectation of privacy in "smells" i.e. a drug dog sniffing effects.

o No REP with respect to dog sniffs…the privacy interest you’d have to assert is very small because your privacy interest would be limited to the smell of drugs from your luggage.  Also there is no physical intrusion
o Normative analysis to argue this is a search:  privacy interest is the interest in your personal effects.  Not as intrusive as physical invasion, but its use of a sense-enhancing device to gather information that otherwise would require physical invasion to obtain!

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Autor: tjkoger
Oberthema: Law
Thema: Criminal Law
Schule / Uni: University of Mississippi
Ort: Oxford
Veröffentlicht: 11.09.2009




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