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Melting Pot or Salad Bowl?
Melting Pot traditionally
peolple n longer felt GErman, Ploish, French but members of a truly multicultural society
Salad Bowl after the browing of America
- a combination of many cultures, living and working together, each
distinct and separate in itself
- the ingredients can still clearly be identified, i.e. the immigrants
have kept their ethnicity
Mosaic/ Tapestry Canadians have adopted this metaphor for their society recently
- each colour is distinct and adds to the overall beauty of the object
- this metaphor suggests that it is acceptable to keep one's
differences and still be a part of the overall society
peolple n longer felt GErman, Ploish, French but members of a truly multicultural society
Salad Bowl after the browing of America
- a combination of many cultures, living and working together, each
distinct and separate in itself
- the ingredients can still clearly be identified, i.e. the immigrants
have kept their ethnicity
Mosaic/ Tapestry Canadians have adopted this metaphor for their society recently
- each colour is distinct and adds to the overall beauty of the object
- this metaphor suggests that it is acceptable to keep one's
differences and still be a part of the overall society

Autor: isipixi
Oberthema: History
Thema: Immigration 19th century
Veröffentlicht: 24.05.2010