Zu dieser Karteikarte gibt es einen kompletten Satz an Karteikarten. Kostenlos!
Which of the following is true
A.Both forward and futures contracts are traded on exchanges.
B. Forward contracts are traded on exchanges, but futures contracts are not.
C.Futures contracts are traded on exchanges, but forward contracts are not.
D.Neither futures contracts nor forward contracts are traded on exchanges.
A.Both forward and futures contracts are traded on exchanges.
B. Forward contracts are traded on exchanges, but futures contracts are not.
C.Futures contracts are traded on exchanges, but forward contracts are not.
D.Neither futures contracts nor forward contracts are traded on exchanges.
Answer: C
Futures contracts trade only on exchanges. Forward contracts trade only in the over-the-counter market.
Futures contracts trade only on exchanges. Forward contracts trade only in the over-the-counter market.

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Finance & Investment
Thema: Derivatives
Veröffentlicht: 27.10.2015