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When moving from valuing an option on a non-dividend paying stock to an option on a currency which of the following is true?
A.The risk-free rate is replaced by the excess of the domestic risk-free rate over the foreign risk-free rate in all calculations
B.The formula for u changes
C.The risk-free rate is replaced by the excess of the domestic risk-free rate over the foreign risk-free rate for discounting
D.The risk-free rate is replaced by the excess of the domestic risk-free rate over the foreign risk-free rate when p is calculated
A.The risk-free rate is replaced by the excess of the domestic risk-free rate over the foreign risk-free rate in all calculations
B.The formula for u changes
C.The risk-free rate is replaced by the excess of the domestic risk-free rate over the foreign risk-free rate for discounting
D.The risk-free rate is replaced by the excess of the domestic risk-free rate over the foreign risk-free rate when p is calculated
Answer: D
The formula for u does not change. The discount rate does not change. The formula for p becomes
showing that D is correct.
The formula for u does not change. The discount rate does not change. The formula for p becomes
showing that D is correct.

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Finance & Investment
Thema: Derivatives
Veröffentlicht: 27.10.2015