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Job Characteristics Model
Increasing the amounts of skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback in a job.
increases experienced meaningfulness, personal responsibility, and knowledge of results.
Skill Variety - The extent to which the job requires a variety of employee competencies to out the work
Task Identity - The extent to which a job requires an employee to complete a whole and identifiable piece of work, that is, doing a task from beginning to end with a visible outcome
Task Significance - The extent to which an employee perceives the job as having a substantial impact on the lives of other people, whether those people are within or outside the organization
Autonomy - The extent to which the job provides empowerment and discretion to an employee in scheduling tasks and in determining procedures to be used in carrying out those tasks
Job Feedback - The extent to which carrying out job-related tasks provides direct and clear information about the effectiveness of an employee’s performance
increases experienced meaningfulness, personal responsibility, and knowledge of results.
Skill Variety - The extent to which the job requires a variety of employee competencies to out the work
Task Identity - The extent to which a job requires an employee to complete a whole and identifiable piece of work, that is, doing a task from beginning to end with a visible outcome
Task Significance - The extent to which an employee perceives the job as having a substantial impact on the lives of other people, whether those people are within or outside the organization
Autonomy - The extent to which the job provides empowerment and discretion to an employee in scheduling tasks and in determining procedures to be used in carrying out those tasks
Job Feedback - The extent to which carrying out job-related tasks provides direct and clear information about the effectiveness of an employee’s performance

Autor: robertsonsb
Oberthema: Business Economics
Thema: Organizational Behavior
Veröffentlicht: 27.02.2010