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Alle Oberthemen / Business Economics / Behavior, Managment and Organisation / BMO
Which of the following statements is true?

A) Older employees have lower rates of avoidable absence than younger workers.
B) Older employees have lower rates of unavoidable absence than younger workers.
C) Older employees are more likely to quit their job than younger workers.
D) Older employees are perceived to be more flexible than younger workers.
E) Older employees generally have lower productivity than younger workers.

see page 83

"In general, older employees have lower rates of avoidable absence than do younger employees.
However, they have higher rates of unavoidable absence... due to poorer helath... longer recovery..."
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Autor: Elisa
Oberthema: Business Economics
Thema: Behavior, Managment and Organisation
Schule / Uni: Hanze Hogeschool
Ort: Groningen
Veröffentlicht: 14.02.2010




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