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bruise /bruːz/
Plural: bruises
1. magulladura, cardenal, hematoma, machucadura, magullón, mancha amoratada por un golpe, morado, moratón, moretón, contusión, equimosis, machucado, machucamiento, machucón, mallugón, magullamiento, moradura;
Sinónimos: contusion, bruising, dark painful skin injury, ecchymosis, cardinal, hematoma, blood tumor, blow, haematoma; Collection of blood from a ruptured vessel. ; Skin area darkened by blood having settled under it. ; An injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration.
2. machucadura, contusión, lesión cutánea oscura y dolorosa; Sinónimos: contusion, dark painful skin injury, cardinal, blow; Dark painful skin injury. ; Skin area darkened by blood having settled under it. ; An injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration.
to bruise
1. magullar, amoratar, acardenalar, contusionar, mallugar;
Sinónimos: contuse, beat black and blue, cover with bruises, mangle, maul, batter; Injure the underlying soft tissue of bone of.
John bruised the fingers, Juan magulló los dedos.
2. magullarse, acardenalarse; Sinónimos: become bruised, get black and blue
3. herir, lastimar;
Sinónimos: hurt, wound, cut, harm, injure, cause physical pain, cut up, damage, make sore, lacerate; Injure the underlying soft tissue of bone of. ; Hurt the feelings of.
I bruised my knee.
She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests.
This remark really bruised me ego.
4. lastimarse; Sinónimos: get hurt
5. magullarse; Sinónimos: become bruised
Plural: bruises
1. magulladura, cardenal, hematoma, machucadura, magullón, mancha amoratada por un golpe, morado, moratón, moretón, contusión, equimosis, machucado, machucamiento, machucón, mallugón, magullamiento, moradura;
Sinónimos: contusion, bruising, dark painful skin injury, ecchymosis, cardinal, hematoma, blood tumor, blow, haematoma; Collection of blood from a ruptured vessel. ; Skin area darkened by blood having settled under it. ; An injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration.
2. machucadura, contusión, lesión cutánea oscura y dolorosa; Sinónimos: contusion, dark painful skin injury, cardinal, blow; Dark painful skin injury. ; Skin area darkened by blood having settled under it. ; An injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration.
to bruise
1. magullar, amoratar, acardenalar, contusionar, mallugar;
Sinónimos: contuse, beat black and blue, cover with bruises, mangle, maul, batter; Injure the underlying soft tissue of bone of.
John bruised the fingers, Juan magulló los dedos.
2. magullarse, acardenalarse; Sinónimos: become bruised, get black and blue
3. herir, lastimar;
Sinónimos: hurt, wound, cut, harm, injure, cause physical pain, cut up, damage, make sore, lacerate; Injure the underlying soft tissue of bone of. ; Hurt the feelings of.
I bruised my knee.
She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests.
This remark really bruised me ego.
4. lastimarse; Sinónimos: get hurt
5. magullarse; Sinónimos: become bruised

Autor: sarapalacio
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: Privat
Ort: pamplona
Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2010