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Which of the following is not true of classical conditioning?
A) Classical conditioning is passive.
B) Classical conditioning can explain simple reflexive behaviors.
C) Learning a conditioned response involves building an association between a conditioned
stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus.
D) A neutral stimulus takes on the properties of a conditioned stimulus.
E) Classical conditioning is different in many respects from operant conditioning.
A) Classical conditioning is passive.
B) Classical conditioning can explain simple reflexive behaviors.
C) Learning a conditioned response involves building an association between a conditioned
stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus.
D) A neutral stimulus takes on the properties of a conditioned stimulus.
E) Classical conditioning is different in many respects from operant conditioning.
When the stimuli, one compelling and the other one neutral, are paired, the neutral one becomes a conditioned stimulus and, hence, takes on the properties of the unconditioned stimulus.
When the stimuli, one compelling and the other one neutral, are paired, the neutral one becomes a conditioned stimulus and, hence, takes on the properties of the unconditioned stimulus.

Autor: Elisa
Oberthema: Business Economics
Schule / Uni: Hanze Hogeschool
Ort: Groningen
Veröffentlicht: 14.02.2010