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Alle Oberthemen / Medicine / Anatomy / Anatomy 4 and 5
a hypothenar muscles
a1 flexor digiti minimi brevis
a2 opponens digiti minimi
a3 abductor digiti minimi
b thenar muscles
b1 flexor pollicis brevis
b2 opponens pollicis
b3 abductor pollicis brevis
c recurrent branch of median nerve
d flexor pollicius brevis and abductor pollicis brevis insert both into the lateral side ot hte extensor hood
e extensor hood
f adducor pollicis and first palmar interosseos insert into the medail side of the extensor hood.
g deep branch of ulnar artery and nerve
h flexor carpi ulnaris
i median nerve
j flexor retinaculum
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Autor: Schnuschnax
Oberthema: Medicine
Thema: Anatomy
Veröffentlicht: 08.02.2010




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