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Alle Oberthemen / Information Management / Communication / Exam 2
Briefly define the following seven steps to successful Reflective listening:
1. Affirming contact
2. Paraphrasing
3. Clarifying implicit thoughts
4. Reflecting core feelings
5. Silence
6. Eye contact
7. One way versus two way communication
1. "I see", "Uh-huh", "ok"
2. paraphrase their message occasionally
3. coax out their implicit message "What's troubling you?"
4.  look past explicit and implicit and find out what feelings the     speaker is conveying
5. can give time to sort out thoughts
6. moderate eye contact communicates openness
7. one-way is efficient by not accurate; two-way is accurate and good for problem solving
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Autor: savhighsmith
Oberthema: Information Management
Thema: Communication
Schule / Uni: UGA
Ort: Athens
Veröffentlicht: 27.04.2011




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