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mainly journalism to promise seriously and publicly to do something
to pledge /pledʒ/
to make pledges
to make a commitment to somebody
pledge support:
Britain, France, and Germany were among the countries pledging their support.
pledge to do something:
He has pledged to fight for a fairer system.
pledge that:
The President has pledged that putting the economy right will be his top priority.
pledge someone/yourself to do something:
They have pledged themselves to root out state corruption.
to make pledges
to make a commitment to somebody
pledge support:
Britain, France, and Germany were among the countries pledging their support.
pledge to do something:
He has pledged to fight for a fairer system.
pledge that:
The President has pledged that putting the economy right will be his top priority.
pledge someone/yourself to do something:
They have pledged themselves to root out state corruption.

Autor: sarapalacio
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: Privat
Ort: pamplona
Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2010