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Which of the following is true of LIBOR
A.The LIBOR rate is free of credit risk
B.A LIBOR rate is lower than the Treasury rate when the two have the same maturity
C.It is a rate used when borrowing and lending takes place between banks
D.It is subject to favorable tax treatment in the U.S.
A.The LIBOR rate is free of credit risk
B.A LIBOR rate is lower than the Treasury rate when the two have the same maturity
C.It is a rate used when borrowing and lending takes place between banks
D.It is subject to favorable tax treatment in the U.S.
Answer: C
LIBOR is a rate used for interbank transactions.
LIBOR is a rate used for interbank transactions.

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Finance & Investment
Thema: Derivatives
Veröffentlicht: 27.10.2015