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Alle Oberthemen / History / The Arab-Istraeli Conflict / The Arab-Israeli Conflict
January 1948. April 1948.
Jan - 5, 000 Arabs who had been trained and armed by Syria, the so called "Arab Liberation Army," infiltrated Palestine and began conducting guerrilla attacks.

April - armed with weapons shipped from Czechoslovakia, the Jews went on the offensive and between 650, 000 to 750, 000 Palestinians either fled or were drive into neighboring countries.

Most expected  to return, believing that an Arab force would intervene in the conflict and expel the Jews.

The  refuges created many social, political, and economic problems for the countries that accepted them.
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Autor: McPerfectlyUnperfect
Oberthema: History
Thema: The Arab-Istraeli Conflict
Veröffentlicht: 09.05.2010




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