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Alle Oberthemen / education / education / Army Programs
In order to accomplish battle-focused NCO development, commanders and unit NCOs should follow what procedures?
Link NCO development to the current skill level and duty assignments
Establish a viable unit level NCODP using unit METL as the vehicle to incorporate the following into each NCO's daily activities.
Synchronize battle-focused NCODP as a component of operational assignments (experience) with the other two pillars of leader development (institutional training and self-development)
Establish a systematic and continuous program
Integrate the use of leader books (FM 25-l01, app B) to track individual NCO progress
Emphasize coaching to achieve commitment to excellence in performance
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: GretchenTurner
Oberthema: education
Thema: education
Veröffentlicht: 24.06.2021




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