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Louis on SJ, easier to get SJ than Adickes
Movant who does not have at trial burden of proof should have a reduced burden for SJ. Must support motion w/ some evidence to at least show nonexistence of essential element of opposing party’s case (initial burden) [if fails to discharge burden, motion fails…if succeeds, burden should shift to opposing party to respond]. Can obtain preview of opponent’s evidence on an essential element and contend that evidence is insufficient to discharge opponent’s production burden (good when direct proof lacking, but is burdensome and costly). Can preview own proof in attempt to show nonexistence of essential element asserted by opposing party
Tags: Summary Judgment

Autor: stgillian
Oberthema: Law
Thema: Civil Law
Schule / Uni: Tulane
Ort: New Orleans, LA
Veröffentlicht: 02.03.2010