Zu dieser Karteikarte gibt es einen kompletten Satz an Karteikarten. Kostenlos!
nosey person
interfears in other´s people likes
interfears in other´s people likes
a busybody
showing disapproval someone who is very interested in other people’s private lives and activities and tries to get involved in them in a way that is annoying
she is a real busybody (countable noum ): entrometido
showing disapproval someone who is very interested in other people’s private lives and activities and tries to get involved in them in a way that is annoying
she is a real busybody (countable noum ): entrometido

Autor: sarapalacio
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: Privat
Ort: pamplona
Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2010