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Give some facts about Organizational Culture.
- Adaptive Culture
Strong and cohesive culture that controls employee attitudes and behaviours
- Inert Culture
Culture that leads to values and norms that fail to motivate or inspire employees
- Points to Remember About Organizational Culture
Organizations contain several cultures
Organizational cultures may change over time
No one culture is better than another
It is not the task of the company culture to align all
subcultures, rather to provide a common reference point
Strong and cohesive culture that controls employee attitudes and behaviours
- Inert Culture
Culture that leads to values and norms that fail to motivate or inspire employees
- Points to Remember About Organizational Culture
Organizations contain several cultures
Organizational cultures may change over time
No one culture is better than another
It is not the task of the company culture to align all
subcultures, rather to provide a common reference point

Autor: Egregius
Oberthema: BWL
Thema: Personalwirtschaft
Schule / Uni: Universität Mannheim
Veröffentlicht: 11.03.2010