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Alle Oberthemen / Teaching / Reading / Reading
Socio-cultural and institutional differences influencing L1 and L2 reading development
reading development and reading instruction are strongly influenced by parental and community attitudes toward reading and uses of literacy

1. Differing socio-cultural backgrounds of L2 readers
L2 reading depends on the L1 socialisation; assumptions about how to use text resources also tend to differ; some students might therefore encounter difficulties in reading texts for purposes that don’t complement cultural assumptions

2. Differing ways of organising discourse and texts
L2 text resources may not always be organised in ways that match students’ L1 reading experiences

3. Differing expectations of L2 educational institutions
L2 students are shaped in their assumptions and their performances by their previous L1 institutional experiences
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: isipixi
Oberthema: Teaching
Thema: Reading
Veröffentlicht: 18.05.2010




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