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Alle Oberthemen / Helmet Gurus / Top Issues You Might Have with the Best Modular Motorcycle Helmet / Helmet Gurus
How Does a Full-Face Helmet Differ From a Modular Motorcycle Helmet?
A full-face helmet provides a solid piece cover for the entire head. That is, the chin bar has a permanent connection to the rest of the shell. As the name suggests, this type of helmet shields the entire face; chin, neck area, and jaw.

As such, it provides a more comprehensive coverage than a flip-up type. The one solid shell design gives a full-face helmet better structural and aerodynamic performance.

The major differences between the two types of helmets are as follows:

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Shell Design and Construction

A full-face helmet boasts a solid shell material but a flip-up consists of two pieces. Therefore, a one-piece shell body has less chance of disintegrating into pieces than a two-piece shell construction. Most people believe that the latch mechanism of a flip-up helmet is likely to fail (pop up open) in case of a hard impact.

Noise Level

Modular helmets have two-piece shell construction. Besides, they also feature a visor mechanism that allows it to open independently. Such provisions make it easier for air to slip through.

On the other hand, a solid piece and inbuilt shield of a full-face helmet greatly minimizes wind and noise. Moreover, it covers the entire face down to the jaw region.

However, the noise generated in a helmet also depends on whether it has aerodynamic shape or not.


The weight of a helmet depends on the type of materials it uses. Plastic is generally heavier than carbon or Kevlar materials.
In most cases, the additional metallic flip-up mechanism in a modular helmet makes it moderately heavier. 
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: helmetgurus
Oberthema: Helmet Gurus
Thema: Top Issues You Might Have with the Best Modular Motorcycle Helmet
Schule / Uni: Helmet Gurus
Ort: New York, NY, USA
Veröffentlicht: 22.08.2024




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