Zu dieser Karteikarte gibt es einen kompletten Satz an Karteikarten. Kostenlos!

a thalamus
b superior colliculus
c inferior colliculus
d locus coeruleus is a nucleus in the brain stem involved with physiological responses to stress and panic
e vestibular area (lateral to sulcus limitans)
f vagal trigone
g cuneate tubercle (carrying fine touch and proprioceptive information from the upper body (above T6, excepting the face and ear - the information from the face and ear is carried by the primary sensory trigeminal nucleus) to the thalamus and cerebellum via the medial lemniscus)
h gracile tubercle It contains second-order neurons of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus system, which receive inputs from sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglia and send axons that synapse in the thalamus.
i obex (The obex (from the Latin for barrier) is the point in the human brain at which the fourth ventricle narrows to become the central canal of the spinal cord.The obex occurs in the caudal medulla. The decussating of sensory fibers happens at this point.)
j hypoglossal trigone
k fascial colliculus The facial colliculus is an elevated area located on the dorsal pons. It is formed by motor fibres of the facial nerve
l inferor
m middle
n suoerior cerebellar peduncles
o trochlear nerve
p pineal gland
q cerebellar peduncles
b superior colliculus
c inferior colliculus
d locus coeruleus is a nucleus in the brain stem involved with physiological responses to stress and panic
e vestibular area (lateral to sulcus limitans)
f vagal trigone
g cuneate tubercle (carrying fine touch and proprioceptive information from the upper body (above T6, excepting the face and ear - the information from the face and ear is carried by the primary sensory trigeminal nucleus) to the thalamus and cerebellum via the medial lemniscus)
h gracile tubercle It contains second-order neurons of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus system, which receive inputs from sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglia and send axons that synapse in the thalamus.
i obex (The obex (from the Latin for barrier) is the point in the human brain at which the fourth ventricle narrows to become the central canal of the spinal cord.The obex occurs in the caudal medulla. The decussating of sensory fibers happens at this point.)
j hypoglossal trigone
k fascial colliculus The facial colliculus is an elevated area located on the dorsal pons. It is formed by motor fibres of the facial nerve
l inferor
m middle
n suoerior cerebellar peduncles
o trochlear nerve
p pineal gland
q cerebellar peduncles