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Alle Oberthemen / Englisch / Vocabulary / English
to end a relationship
to drift apart if two or more people drift apart, their relationship gradually ends

Synonyms: break off, break up (with sbdy, in romantic relations), leave, split up, cut off.

Mary has broken up with John
Mary and John have broken up

the breakup: la ruptura

he was distraught over the breakout  of his relationship with his girlfriend.

to drift: to move somewhere slowly as though you do not know where you are going

People were drifting around the conference centre.
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: sarapalacio
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: Privat
Ort: pamplona
Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2010




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