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What is meant by Crowding out Intrinsic Motivation?
• Monetary incentives only motivating when interpretable as supportive
• However: Intrinsic motivation gets crowded out if relationship between the company and its employees is reduced to PfP
• Motivation through PfP is overcompensated through loss of intrinsic
motivation, especially with complex tasks
• Effects dependent on characteristics of the individual:
- Extrinsically motivated persons
o Income maximizers
o Status oriented persons important: comparison with others
- Intrinsically motivated persons
o Loyals own goals in congruence with company goals
o Formalists important: procedural justice
o Self-controlled persons pursuit of own ideas
• However: Intrinsic motivation gets crowded out if relationship between the company and its employees is reduced to PfP
• Motivation through PfP is overcompensated through loss of intrinsic
motivation, especially with complex tasks
• Effects dependent on characteristics of the individual:
- Extrinsically motivated persons
o Income maximizers
o Status oriented persons important: comparison with others
- Intrinsically motivated persons
o Loyals own goals in congruence with company goals
o Formalists important: procedural justice
o Self-controlled persons pursuit of own ideas

Autor: Egregius
Oberthema: BWL
Thema: Personalwirtschaft
Schule / Uni: Universität Mannheim
Veröffentlicht: 11.03.2010