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to annoy someone, or to cause problems for them
molestar, fastidiar
molestar, fastidiar
to hassle/ˈhæs(ə)l/
The press has continued to hassle Roberts since the incident.
hassle n a situation that causes problems for you or that annoys you very much
If it’s too much hassle, we can do it another time.
* (=problem, difficulty) lío m , problema m
no hassle! ¡no hay problema!
it's not worth the hassle no vale la pena
The press has continued to hassle Roberts since the incident.
hassle n a situation that causes problems for you or that annoys you very much
If it’s too much hassle, we can do it another time.
* (=problem, difficulty) lío m , problema m
no hassle! ¡no hay problema!
it's not worth the hassle no vale la pena

Autor: sarapalacio
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: Privat
Ort: pamplona
Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2010