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Alle Oberthemen / Englisch / Vocabulary / English
to make an effort economically/or not
to struggle /'strʌgəl/  sustantivo

   1. (against opponent) lucha f;
      (physical) refriega f;
      to put up a ~ luchar, oponer(conj.⇒) resistencia

   2. (against difficulties) lucha f;
      it's a ~ to make ends meet cuesta mucho llegar a fin de mes

struggle2 verbo intransitivo

         1. (thrash around) forcejear
         2. (contend, strive) luchar;
            she had to ~ to support her family tuvo que luchar para mantener a su familia;
            to ~ (against/with sth) luchar (contra algo);
            to ~ for sth luchar por algo
         3. (be in difficulties) pasar apuros

   2. (move with difficulty) (+ adv compl): he ~d up the hill subió penosamente la cuesta;
      he ~d to his feet se levantó con gran dificultad
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Autor: sarapalacio
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: Privat
Ort: pamplona
Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2010




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