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List some of the kinds of information that is needed to evaluate
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HSM 340 Capital Investments Discussions 1 Week 5
List some of the kinds of information that is needed to evaluate a capital investment project. As you know, healthcare requires a lot of equipment. This week,let’s talk about capital budgets. Since this is usually a big investment, a lot of information is needed for the analysis. Let’s talk about the data and information needed to make the proper decision. What would be needed to do this job most appropriately? I look forward to a lively discussion about this important topic. How is cash flow estimated? However, from a financial point of view, cash is scarce and the returns are not as high. We focus on high returns and our mission. If the project is not consistent with our mission, we do not accept it because cash is not always available. What other considerations do you see?…
HSM 340 Capital Investments Discussions 1 Week 5
List some of the kinds of information that is needed to evaluate a capital investment project. As you know, healthcare requires a lot of equipment. This week,let’s talk about capital budgets. Since this is usually a big investment, a lot of information is needed for the analysis. Let’s talk about the data and information needed to make the proper decision. What would be needed to do this job most appropriately? I look forward to a lively discussion about this important topic. How is cash flow estimated? However, from a financial point of view, cash is scarce and the returns are not as high. We focus on high returns and our mission. If the project is not consistent with our mission, we do not accept it because cash is not always available. What other considerations do you see?…
Quelle: https://www.devrycourses.com/product/hsm-340-discussions-week-5-devry/
Quelle: https://www.devrycourses.com/product/hsm-340-discussions-week-5-devry/

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Education
Thema: Education
Schule / Uni: devry university
Ort: UK
Veröffentlicht: 12.02.2020