Zu dieser Karteikarte gibt es einen kompletten Satz an Karteikarten. Kostenlos!
1.Which of the following describes LEAPS?
A.Options which are partly American and partly European
B.Options where the strike price changes through time
C.Exchange-traded stock options with longer lives than regular exchange-traded stock options
D.Options on the average stock price during a period of time
A.Options which are partly American and partly European
B.Options where the strike price changes through time
C.Exchange-traded stock options with longer lives than regular exchange-traded stock options
D.Options on the average stock price during a period of time
Answer: C
LEAPS are long-term equity anticipation securities. They are exchange-traded options with relatively long maturities.
LEAPS are long-term equity anticipation securities. They are exchange-traded options with relatively long maturities.

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Finance & Investment
Thema: Derivatives
Veröffentlicht: 27.10.2015