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to show someone or something in a way that attracts attention and emphasizes their good qualities
describe, define, illustrate, set out, pin down.
describe, define, illustrate, set out, pin down.
to showcase /ˈʃəʊˌkeɪs/ (exhibir)
a comedy sketch that showcases their unique style of humour
showcase noun (escaparate ?)
an event that emphasizes the good qualities of someone or something
The exhibition is a showcase for British exports.
a comedy sketch that showcases their unique style of humour
showcase noun (escaparate ?)
an event that emphasizes the good qualities of someone or something
The exhibition is a showcase for British exports.

Autor: sarapalacio
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: Privat
Ort: pamplona
Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2010