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Name important Communication Skills for Managers as Senders.
• Send clear and complete messages.
• Encode messages in symbols the receiver understands.
• Select a medium appropriate for the message and, importantly, one
that is monitored by the receiver.
• Avoid filtering (holding back information) and distortion as the
message passes through other workers.
• Ensure a feedback mechanism is included in the message.
- Provide accurate information to avoid rumors.
• Encode messages in symbols the receiver understands.
• Select a medium appropriate for the message and, importantly, one
that is monitored by the receiver.
• Avoid filtering (holding back information) and distortion as the
message passes through other workers.
• Ensure a feedback mechanism is included in the message.
- Provide accurate information to avoid rumors.
Autor: Egregius
Oberthema: BWL
Thema: Personalwirtschaft
Schule / Uni: Universität Mannheim
Veröffentlicht: 11.03.2010