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to trigger something (off): to set in motion, to start a process
trigger: gatillo de la pistola
What triggered his illness?
to make something happen
The news of his death triggered more violence.
Synonyms: bring about, form, invent, develop, inaugurate... more
1. a. to cause someone to have a particular feeling or memory
You find that strangely familiar smells trigger memories of childhood.
Synonyms: remind, come to, bring back, recall, awake... more
2.b b.to cause someone to do or say something
trigger a response/reaction:
The report has triggered a fierce response from the governor.
Synonyms: encourage, persuade, convince, motivate, urge on.
1. provocar, dar inicio a, accionar, activar, desatar, desencadenar, detonar, precipitar, ser un factor provocante para; Sinónimos: bring about, bring on, cause, cause to happen, provoke, activate, be a trigger for, call forth, detonate; Put in motion or move to act.
Her attitude triggered the fight, Su actitud desencadenó un pleito.
Trigger a reaction.
Actuate the circuits.
2. incentivar, motivar; Sinónimos: motivate, incentivize, encourage, edify, impulse, incite, inspire; Give an incentive for action.
3. detonar, accionar, activar, disparar; Sinónimos: activate, detonate, explode, set off, trip, discharge, fire, fulminate; Release or pull the trigger on. ; Put in motion or move to act.
set off the detonator, Ana accionó el detonador=Ann triggered.
Trigger a gun.
Trigger a reaction.
Actuate the circuits.
4. desencadenarse; Sinónimos: be triggered, flare up, trigger off
5. accionarse; Sinónimos: become activated, get triggered
trigger Sustantivo
1. detonador, disparadero, disparador, espoleta, martillo; Sinónimos: detonating device, firer, firing pin, release, trigger device, fusee, fuze, releaser, tripper; A device that activates or releases or causes something to happen.
2. gatillo, activador, explosor; Sinónimos: activator, actuator, exploder; Lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun.
3. factor provocante, catalizador; Sinónimos: provoking factor; An act that sets in motion some course of events.
4. desencadenante
trigger: gatillo de la pistola
What triggered his illness?
to make something happen
The news of his death triggered more violence.
Synonyms: bring about, form, invent, develop, inaugurate... more
1. a. to cause someone to have a particular feeling or memory
You find that strangely familiar smells trigger memories of childhood.
Synonyms: remind, come to, bring back, recall, awake... more
2.b b.to cause someone to do or say something
trigger a response/reaction:
The report has triggered a fierce response from the governor.
Synonyms: encourage, persuade, convince, motivate, urge on.
1. provocar, dar inicio a, accionar, activar, desatar, desencadenar, detonar, precipitar, ser un factor provocante para; Sinónimos: bring about, bring on, cause, cause to happen, provoke, activate, be a trigger for, call forth, detonate; Put in motion or move to act.
Her attitude triggered the fight, Su actitud desencadenó un pleito.
Trigger a reaction.
Actuate the circuits.
2. incentivar, motivar; Sinónimos: motivate, incentivize, encourage, edify, impulse, incite, inspire; Give an incentive for action.
3. detonar, accionar, activar, disparar; Sinónimos: activate, detonate, explode, set off, trip, discharge, fire, fulminate; Release or pull the trigger on. ; Put in motion or move to act.
set off the detonator, Ana accionó el detonador=Ann triggered.
Trigger a gun.
Trigger a reaction.
Actuate the circuits.
4. desencadenarse; Sinónimos: be triggered, flare up, trigger off
5. accionarse; Sinónimos: become activated, get triggered
trigger Sustantivo
1. detonador, disparadero, disparador, espoleta, martillo; Sinónimos: detonating device, firer, firing pin, release, trigger device, fusee, fuze, releaser, tripper; A device that activates or releases or causes something to happen.
2. gatillo, activador, explosor; Sinónimos: activator, actuator, exploder; Lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun.
3. factor provocante, catalizador; Sinónimos: provoking factor; An act that sets in motion some course of events.
4. desencadenante

Autor: sarapalacio
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: Privat
Ort: pamplona
Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2010