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Wigglesworth v. Teamsters
P sued for prevention from free speech on meetings on 9-8 and 10-13. D asserted counterclaim about libel in press conference on 12-3, where P talked about claim being filed and about union being dominated by mafia. P motioned to dismiss counter on lack of subject matter jdx.
H - using the Bose test of same evidence, this claim fails b/c totally different day and issue. Thus, b/c no supplemental jdxn, must be filed in a state ct.
H - using the Bose test of same evidence, this claim fails b/c totally different day and issue. Thus, b/c no supplemental jdxn, must be filed in a state ct.
Tags: Compulsory Counter
Autor: stgillian
Oberthema: Law
Thema: Civil Law
Schule / Uni: Tulane
Ort: New Orleans, LA
Veröffentlicht: 02.03.2010