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For a futures contract trading in April 2012, the open interest for a June 2012 contract, when compared to the open interest for Sept 2012 contracts, is usually
C.The same
D.Equally likely to be higher or lower
C.The same
D.Equally likely to be higher or lower
Answer: A
The contracts which are close to maturity tend to have the highest open interest. However, during the maturity month itself the open interest declines.
The contracts which are close to maturity tend to have the highest open interest. However, during the maturity month itself the open interest declines.
michaelarrington (20.04.2024)
That's correct! Open interest tends to be highest for futures contracts that are closer to maturity because http://drift-hunters.org those contracts are actively traded by investors and speculators.
michaelarrington (20.04.2024)
That's correct! Open interest tends to be highest for futures contracts that are closer to maturity because http://drift-hunters.org those contracts are actively traded by investors and speculators.
amanydvinlove@gmail.com (29.11.2023)
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Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Finance & Investment
Thema: Derivatives
Veröffentlicht: 27.10.2015