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Deborah works for a U.S. based firm with extensive business interests in Latin America.
Deborah has successfully used goal-setting theory in her efforts to motivate her US employees.
When she tries to use it on her Chilean employees, she has much poorer results. Why is this
probably so?
A) Language difference makes it very difficult to translate the necessary concepts into
B) Chilean employees tend to have higher scores on power distance and uncertainty
C) Chilean employees tend to score high on measures of the need for achievement.
D) The goals the workers in Chile must reach are substantially simpler than those her U.S.
employees must reach.
E) She publicly announced the goals she wanted her Chilean workers to reach.
Deborah has successfully used goal-setting theory in her efforts to motivate her US employees.
When she tries to use it on her Chilean employees, she has much poorer results. Why is this
probably so?
A) Language difference makes it very difficult to translate the necessary concepts into
B) Chilean employees tend to have higher scores on power distance and uncertainty
C) Chilean employees tend to score high on measures of the need for achievement.
D) The goals the workers in Chile must reach are substantially simpler than those her U.S.
employees must reach.
E) She publicly announced the goals she wanted her Chilean workers to reach.
Quelle: p.220
Quelle: p.220

Autor: Elisa
Oberthema: Business Economics
Schule / Uni: Hanze Hogeschool
Ort: Groningen
Veröffentlicht: 14.02.2010