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Cognitive Approach to SLA
- language acquisition as a form of cognitive skill
- comparable to other cognitive skills
- key processes in skill learning are
restructing - revision rules that may result in decline performance
processing - optimal performance recquires in mixture of both
- automatic processing (lacks flexibility, nor origional)
- controlled processing
- two sorts of knowledge
- declarative knowledge - knowledge you learn at school
- procedual knowledge - the ability to perform
- influencal are salience an dfrequency of input and processability
- more complex structures are acquired after simple ones
- comparable to other cognitive skills
- key processes in skill learning are
restructing - revision rules that may result in decline performance
processing - optimal performance recquires in mixture of both
- automatic processing (lacks flexibility, nor origional)
- controlled processing
- two sorts of knowledge
- declarative knowledge - knowledge you learn at school
- procedual knowledge - the ability to perform
- influencal are salience an dfrequency of input and processability
- more complex structures are acquired after simple ones
Quelle: Second Language Acquisition
Quelle: Second Language Acquisition
Autor: Nervensaege
Oberthema: Anglistik
Thema: Applied Linguistics
Veröffentlicht: 03.05.2010