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Name the different types of Lot-Sizing procedures in SAP.
Static Lot-Sizing
x Lot-for-lot quantity
x Fixed lot size
x Replenishment (Auffüllung) to the maximum stock level
Period lot-sizing procedures
Groups several requirements within a time interval together
Optimum lot-sizing procedures
Costs (setup or order and storage) are minimzed
x Lot-for-lot quantity
x Fixed lot size
x Replenishment (Auffüllung) to the maximum stock level
Period lot-sizing procedures
Groups several requirements within a time interval together
Optimum lot-sizing procedures
Costs (setup or order and storage) are minimzed
Tags: MRP

Autor: Denyo
Oberthema: SAP
Thema: Fragenkatalog
Schule / Uni: FH Aachen
Ort: Aachen
Veröffentlicht: 01.09.2009