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Alle Oberthemen / Health and Safety / Health and Safety, Production Management / MIA Health and Safety
Look at the following Hazards on a Sample Risk Assessment form and try to list the following for each.

16: Hazard 1 :Falling from a height

A: Who is at risk?
B: What pre-cautions need to be taken?
C: How severe could the injury be?
D: Chance of injury now that the pre-caution has been put in place?
E: Risk, now the precaution has been put in place?
F: What control measures need to be adhered to?
Answer 16: Falling from a height

A:The camera operator

B: Scaffold has been built by a
licensed contractor following industry and government guidelines. Guard rails, mid-rails and toeboards are in place.

C: Serious

D: Low
E: Low

F:Access to platform restricted to camera operator.

Camera operator instructed not to lean over, stand on or lean against the guard rails.
Tags: Health and Safety
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: rovareid
Oberthema: Health and Safety
Thema: Health and Safety, Production Management
Ort: Belfast
Veröffentlicht: 18.04.2016




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