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Alle Oberthemen / Psychology / Cognitive / Cognitive Final VMF 13
If you are a psychology majoy you've probably been exposed to basic infomation about the history of psychology in several courses. Each time you're exposed to this information, you probably pick up on it and retain it a little better. This concept is an example of _, a key concept from the work of memory psychologist _.

a. savings; Bartlett
b. savings; Ebbinghaus
c. schemata; Bartlett
d. schematta; Ebbinghaus
savings; Ebbinghaus
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: Vanessa Farrera
Oberthema: Psychology
Thema: Cognitive
Schule / Uni: Metropolitan State University of Denver
Ort: Denver
Veröffentlicht: 15.05.2013




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