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7.Which of the following describes a difference between a warrant and an exchange-traded stock option?
A.In a warrant issue, someone has guaranteed the performance of the option seller in the event that the option is exercised
B.The number of warrants is fixed whereas the number of exchange-traded options in existence depends on trading
C.Exchange-traded stock options have a strike price
D.Warrants cannot be traded after they have been purchased
A.In a warrant issue, someone has guaranteed the performance of the option seller in the event that the option is exercised
B.The number of warrants is fixed whereas the number of exchange-traded options in existence depends on trading
C.Exchange-traded stock options have a strike price
D.Warrants cannot be traded after they have been purchased
Answer: B
A warrant is a fixed number of options issued by a company. They often trade on an exchange after they have been issued.
A warrant is a fixed number of options issued by a company. They often trade on an exchange after they have been issued.

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Finance & Investment
Thema: Derivatives
Veröffentlicht: 27.10.2015