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How do I treat lupus erythematosus and minimize the associated drug toxicity?
● The treatment is determined by the disease activity and by organ involvement.
● In the absence of major-organ involvement, the cornerstone drug hydroxychloroquine is supplemented as-needed with an NSAID such as naproxen and with prednisolone in low to moderate doses. Mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine, and methotrexate are reserved for refractory cases.
● In lupus with major-organ (kidney, CNS) involvement, these treatment options extend onto low-dose cyclophosphamide and belimumab, an antibody against the B-lymphocyte stimulator. The induction therapy is more intensive than the subsequent maintenance therapy.
● Prevention and monitoring of drug toxicities are similar to those recommended for rheumatoid arthritis. Give vitamin D to offset the effects of glucocorticoids and the recommended sunlight avoidance.
● In the absence of major-organ involvement, the cornerstone drug hydroxychloroquine is supplemented as-needed with an NSAID such as naproxen and with prednisolone in low to moderate doses. Mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine, and methotrexate are reserved for refractory cases.
● In lupus with major-organ (kidney, CNS) involvement, these treatment options extend onto low-dose cyclophosphamide and belimumab, an antibody against the B-lymphocyte stimulator. The induction therapy is more intensive than the subsequent maintenance therapy.
● Prevention and monitoring of drug toxicities are similar to those recommended for rheumatoid arthritis. Give vitamin D to offset the effects of glucocorticoids and the recommended sunlight avoidance.

Autor: LWojnowski
Oberthema: Medicine
Thema: Pharmacology
Schule / Uni: University Clinical Center
Ort: Mainz
Veröffentlicht: 24.05.2013