Zu dieser Karteikarte gibt es einen kompletten Satz an Karteikarten. Kostenlos!
Give the Rendering Equation in both formulations and explain all its terms!
Hemisphere Formulation
: Incoming radiance at point from direction
: Emitted radiance
: Hemisphere over the surface at point
: Intersection point of ray starting at with direction with the scene
: BRDF: portion of light which enters from direction at that is reflected into direction
: Angle between and the normal vector of the surface at
Surface Formulation
: Incoming radiance at point from direction
: Emitted radiance
: Hemisphere over the surface at point
: Intersection point of ray starting at with direction with the scene
: BRDF: portion of light which enters from direction at that is reflected into direction
: Angle between and the normal vector of the surface at
Surface Formulation
Autor: janisborn
Oberthema: Informatik
Thema: Computergrafik
Schule / Uni: RWTH Aachen
Ort: Aachen
Veröffentlicht: 18.05.2022