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Alle Oberthemen / Designtheorie / Information Design / Design Theory
List some rhetoric figures and explain their meaning
1. Alliteration > paragraphs starting with the same letters

2. Antithesis > combination of words which have high constrast

3. Metaphor > a comparison in which a characteristic of sth is transferred to another to understand better

4. Chiasmus > contrary words in combination

5.  Hyperbole > exaggeration of an expression

6. Oxymoron > combination of two words which exclude each other

7. Synecdoche > replacing one word with another which explains the meaning in the whole (Dach über dem Kopf)
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: Anna Mar
Oberthema: Designtheorie
Thema: Information Design
Schule / Uni: Macromedia Hochschule
Ort: Hamburg
Veröffentlicht: 08.07.2014




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