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What are the differences between lazy and eager learning?
Lazy Learning
The system tries to generalize the training data before receiving queries (-> Neural Networks)
Eager Learning:
The system does not generalize until a guery is made to the system (-> k-NN)
The system tries to generalize the training data before receiving queries (-> Neural Networks)
- +target function approximated globally
- +deals with noise in the training data
- -unable to provide good local approximations
Eager Learning:
The system does not generalize until a guery is made to the system (-> k-NN)
- +target function approximated locally
- -large space requirements to store the entire training dataset
- -slow to evaluate
Quelle: CI Teil 1 Lecture 6
Quelle: CI Teil 1 Lecture 6
Autor: Sepp Samuel
Oberthema: Telematik
Thema: Computational Intelligence
Schule / Uni: TU Graz
Veröffentlicht: 02.07.2014