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Alle Oberthemen / History / History / HIS 303 ASH Courses / his303dotcom
HIS 303 Week 2 DQ 2 A Symbolic Figurehead (Ash)
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HIS 303 Week 2 DQ 2 A Symbolic Figurehead
History - General History
DQ 2 A Symbolic Figurehead. Americans tend to pay more attention to the president than to any other government official, blaming him when things go wrong, even in areas over which the president has little control, and crediting him with successes which stem from the legislature instead of the executive. In many ways, the president serves as a symbolic figurehead of both the government and the nation, with the consequence that the executive often overshadows the other branches of government. Review the powers and responsibilities which the Constitution grants to the president. Then explain how presidents from, George Washington through Abraham Lincoln, have wielded and expanded those powers.
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Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: History
Thema: History
Veröffentlicht: 31.10.2014




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