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Alle Oberthemen / 3407 / Geschichte der Sozialpsychologie / 2. Geschichte der Sozialpsychologie
Anfang der Sozialpsychologie - 1908
  • 1908:  in diesem Jahr wurde das erste Buch mit dem Titel „Social Psychology“ veröffentlicht, nämlich das des Soziologen Edward A. Ross (1866-1951).
  • 1908:  Buch mit dem Titel „Introduction to Social Psychology“ des englischstämmigen Psychologen William McDougall (1871-1938): --trieb- bzw. instinkttheoretische Grundlagen der Sozialpsychologie - Herdentrieb, Mütterlichkeit usw. Triebtheorien dieser Art hatten lange Be-stand, sind heute allerdings ganz „out"
Neuer Kommentar
at (02.01.2025)
In 1908, William McDougall’s book "Introduction to Social Psychology" explored instinctual foundations of social psychology, focusing on herd behavior and maternal instincts. Although these drive theories were once prominent, they have since fallen out of favor, much like the slope game, which may have been popular at one time but is now less relevant.
curtmarvinl (24.12.2024)
The beginning of social psychology in 1908 paved the way for understanding human interactions. Just like in the game Infinite Craft, where players build and collaborate, social psychology explores how our social structures influence behavior. This interplay highlights the importance of community in shaping individual actions and societal norms. I believe integrating these concepts can enhance both gameplay and real-life interactions!
ClaudieTrantow (24.10.2024)
The birth of social psychology in 1908 marked a significant milestone with works by Edward A. Ross and William McDougall, introducing concepts like herd instinct and maternal drive. While these theories have evolved, they laid the foundation for understanding human behavior. Speaking of enjoyment, Retro Bowl offers a stress-free gaming experience, reminiscent of simpler times.
Autor: Lise Langstrumpf
Oberthema: 3407
Thema: Geschichte der Sozialpsychologie
Schule / Uni: FU Hagen
Veröffentlicht: 13.12.2014




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